Calm isn’t loud



“I had no idea you were in town” said nearly every new client we’ve served in the past three years. At this point, it’s become an office joke, and we all laugh a little inside (at ourselves of course) when we hear it again. But calm isn’t loud, and we’ve been spending our energy on growing every relationship we serve into something substantive, and this takes attention as well as intention. This is something we’re really aware of: the fact that relationships take time, focus and energy.

Relationship Rant

We talk about bringing calm to our clients with the purpose of leaving more space for the actual relationship. Think about it, every hour that a broker spends trying to figure something out in title is an hour they’re not spending on their relationships. By the math, it’s far more beneficial to be on the golf course with your buyer than it is to be fiddling around with issues that you aren’t enabled to solve anyway. 

And then it’s also ridiculous to leave transactions waiting in line. Time kills deals and it would be ridiculous to have a party walk because the title process is taking too long. Imagine being on hold for thirty days and then there’s suddenly an issue uncovered that will cause another delay. This is like adding insult to injury. There’s nothing quite so frustrating in a relationship as having to say, “Nothing is moving forward, and it’s out of my hands.”

We’re here to say, it’s not out of your hands.

When you choose a title company that knows how to operate efficiently, and has built-in systems that are designed for speed as well as accuracy, you’re proactively reducing the risk of ever having to say those words. At a minimum, you’ll have detail to add to your clients communications, and in a Select Title Fbg “Calm Title” process, you probably won’t even have to be the one delivering any kind of bad message anyway, that’s our job. Yours is to be the relationship guru. 

Spending Our Time Wisely

We’re emphatic when it comes to the way we spend our time. It’s about focusing on all the details and people that need to work together to bring transactions to that gold-medal closing moment that makes our brokers and sales agents look like stars in the night sky. We are slow to promote our work because we are so focused on refining the tasks we already do so well. 

But we’d like to do better.

We want the real estate industry in Gillespie, Mason and Blanco Counties to know we’re here. Our capacity to serve is strong, and we work very hard to keep any “waiting in line” down at zero. The quiet, powerful technology-based systems we use are willing to work overtime and in a season of unrivaled real-estate activity, managing transactional throughput is everyone’s utmost priority. 

So how can we help?

What resources can we provide, what counsel can we give that will help you spend more time on your relationships? We’ll be staying in touch on a variety of fronts, but please know that we’re here to help keep your world calm any way we can. Calm isn’t inherently loud, it’s quiet, creates space, makes the rough moments smooth and allows people all to take a breath. We’re going to keep doing what we do, but we look for support and feedback along the way!


That’s title delivered simply, through modern systems.

Get back to the calm, shall we? Isn’t that why we all live here? To get a feel for who we are, give us a ring or schedule a time to come by and see how the sausage is made. We’re right in the center of town, on the 2nd floor of the Chase Bank building. Some of you may remember, this is a great place to have a title office

Ben Rodgers