The Backup Team for a Solo Agent
As a real estate agent, you're flying solo most of the time. Whether you work for a big brand office with lots of training and support in the office or are a one person show, at the end of the day it is still all on you. You are the one cold calling contacts and tracking down new listings. You're the one at the house showing, unlocking the door at odd hours on a Sunday evening. You are the contact point for your client's every need in the property buying process. And the best real estate agents relish this challenge, love setting their own schedules, pushing to meet their goals, tracking down new listings, and clients. But you can't do it all. You need backup, and the kind of backup you get matters.
While you are the point person and it really does all ride on you, there are a lot of other people who bring those necessary services to the process: property photographers, home inspectors, and in our case title services. The kind of service you get from these folks really shapes your day-to-day experience.
So we'd invite you to sit for a moment with a few questions:
How does my backup team shape my day-to-day life?
When I need a home inspector, photographer, or title agent do I have someone that picks up the phone or calls back within the hour every single time?
Do those ancillary services make you feel "backed up" or are they just another needy mouth to feed?
If not, what happens in those waiting hours and days, does the stress level ramp up? And then, what is the next phone call like with the client who is eager for progress on the purchase? If you're here reading this, I bet the answers are not all daisies and roses in the title search department.
But with the busyness of life, even if the answers to these questions aren't all that you'd like them to be, it can be hard or even scary to find the mental space to think about and make changes to these little recurring frustrations and stresses that keep coming up. More often than not, familiar frustrations are easier to carry along with us than the risk of making a change. But is it really worth it? What might happen if you took the risk of a moment to ask "where do I really want to be in my life and what do I really need to do to get there?" You might find that if you really make time for the question to be asked, really make that uncomfortable space, the most needed and even unexpected changes can happen.
I know we're getting in deep waters a bit here, but the little choices and the big choices we make are not really that separate. The way we live our lives day to day and the small choices we make become the habits that shape us through and through. Of course they'll affect the big picture and the shape of our lives.
Now to bring it back to title search. Does your title search company actually support your day-to-day mission? Do they get back to you and give you what you need when you need it? At Select Title Fredericksburg, our mission is not just to get title searches done. While we are good at it, our aim is to bring calm to the process. That means that you know you're going to get a quick response and our back office will get to work immediately on the search. Our digitized system adds consistency and speed to our turnaround time. And because all of these things are clicking along in the background, our office can be that point of calm in your day. Not just because we're calm, but because our title process is smooth, consistent, and reliable. So you can step into that calmness too. At least for a few minutes, because we're sure that your next client is just around the corner.
Making a change can be difficult, but the right changes in life are ones that can pay you back manyfold, in the long run, by the quality of life they bring about.