Work all at once



There’s this new phenomenon that some of you may have heard of, it’s a thing called “The Internet”. This may seem like a sarcastic joke to you, but to the title business, it really does appear to be space-age technology. Fortunately, a few pioneers in the title business have tested and compiled an entirely new process that we’ve proudly adopted and the results have really changed the way it’s done. 


In days-gone-by, a general file was created by hand, then made its way from desk to desk through a title office. If something was off, or a slight miscommunication occurred, that file made its way back to someone else’s desk, usually at the bottom of the pile. The only way to speed this up was to bring your title team very strong coffee. 

Today It’s Different

We work on the cloud. A file is created (immediately generating a GF number) and then everyone who is going to need to look at it is notified. Every email, every document, every edit is tracked on behalf of every user who is viewing that file. Find an issue? Someone can correct it in real-time. Have a question? The closing officer can jump in and give you an idea of what’s going on and where we are in the process down to the minute. It’s like everyone sitting down at a conference table and getting your work done all at once, rather than passing it desk to desk. There’s no “pile” for your title process to hide under. 

Speed Up, Error Down

When everyone’s working on a file at the same time, they don’t lose focus. People can pick up on anything that’s off, they are constantly re-checking the others’ work. By attaching all communication to that file, then there’s no “he said, she said” to contend with. It’s just a matter of going back to the file and seeing who requested what change and when. There’s so little room for confusion, and with less confusion, clients get far better communication. “I don’t know” is something you won’t hear very often. Instead, it’s, “Oh, I can find that out!”

Let’s work like it’s 2021, that’s one way we keep it “calm” at Select Title.

Ben Rodgers